Car Color Recognition

Based on a fast neural network architecture, our car color recognition module can be easily integrated into applications that require accurate tagging of car images. It is robust under different lighting conditions and different angles. It can operate on embedded hardware, on-premise servers or can be deployed as cloud API.

There are lots of industries that could benefit from our car recognition module, including security, marketing and law enforcement. Some sample use cases are:

  • Intelligent Video Surveillance
  • Smart Billboards
  • Traffic Analytics
  • Tagging of Video and Images
  • License Plate Verification
Car Color Classification

Business Applications

Intelligent Video Analytics

Intelligent Video Analytics

Public safety and security organizations can include advanced search and car analytics functionalities into their software to find or redact relevant information in video records.

Traffic Analytics

Traffic Analytics

Cities are getting smarter and by using Big Data supplied by the traffic cameras, the transportation systems can be managed more efficiently.

Digital Asset Management

Digital Asset Management

Organizing, storing, and retrieving multimedia content like photos and videos. Building searchable car image databases for video and image archives.